The Folsom Telegraph from Folsom, California (2024)

TWsjay, September 8 I960 The Telegraph, Fotsom, California Survey Of Folsom High Grads -Out In The Cruel Cruel World -Part Tvo By uvd.4 rcLorr School Is Starting Please Drive Safely Congested traffic condition are going to become even more so this week as children begin walking and riding bikes to the bell hsd hardly finished this Sincmer with a capita June Erton is now rr.fl,?yed ss Linda will work in October, team at city college. Mike Grey And enly yesterday. Deunru De-ana man- stenographer for the Department either at Matter service or was employed at a Rancho Cor- Clyde Smith enlisted in tre Navy, and vuri-j at a grocery of the Interior. Clyde had been Sac- in Earbara Brown has spent the To wetka a0 we creserted a Ca-cl Barth has been earalr. summer finding out what feels brief rundowa on the activities btaie Cut-ce.

th. Fnli-n Hiih hnai Cla ready the dormitories Presbyterians Observe School Rally Day Nth Next Sunday at 9 30 a.m. the entire Church School of the Community Presbyterian Church will ga'-her in church sanctuary celebrate rally day. Parents as well as children of all ages ere to attend his 'Fall Kick-Off" in Education which Will feature first the Rally Day program, then department promotions end new school registrations for the coming year. school.

On roads where construction is under way and on narrow i detours the problem ia even more intense. Leave home a little bit earlier and drive slower. Our children deserve your considera cf 'ifi. Since then we have uncovered more interesting facts about e'her merr.ters of uie Class, as outlined below. Of the ItS gradfctts in the toming ear.

B.U Gossage. Galen Hunter Torn Martin ar.d Elton will soon complete Navy training at San Difjp- Jim Wtrcn in the air force- stationed at tion. das, some eight managed money this the hard Ike ta te a red head and now a ay, Ijt three boys a Lrtfiettf. Sh alio enjoyed five ca; a vkeek The eliest una iwimming and (Sales. Esibira is s.x.

Carol wul ttter.i ASJC lucking tor a job and does net the fall to ma; or in educa- pion to continue her schooling. Armstrong and her hus- Prefcrl-g a more daring band enjoyed a vacation in Los vtr.i-re Jtm has picked Anceles on a recent weekend. fiohtin io--: Beth is looking forward to a fires -a the need arises, month's visit they will have witn most rect fire being the their families while Ron is on at Donne Lake- mi is a. leave. After the visit the A-ms- as surveyce for a trongs will be transferred to c.

1 c. mpny Shaw Air Force Base in South, attend AHJJ it thj fail. Carolina. AF3 Texas elude oar reporter Eugene Car- La.k.jr.d ver, David Chase. Robert Fior- Tirnruien Car- La.k'.r.d is ijo with tne air lone in ir: ence.

Kay Floyd Pat Griffis. Fred Hanbott, Rhonda Henringer Los Angeles. dova service station. Phylhs Goldoerg is now living Jean Ramsey iU 'oe across the in Grand Texas, where river at ARJC this ear. She she will continue her education, hasn't had a job this summer riiyllU is engaged to Zane-Waik- Allan Wiren is a lifeguard at the er.

Janet Cole has been engaged Officer's. Club Pool at Mather. He to Dale Dadelscn since June luth. is another who will study elec-They plan a December wedding, tronics at Sacramento City Col-Margaret Connuir will be mar- lege. rial early next year to Dave Monte Reeser now lives in Gatrmeyer of Michigan.

Until N.irth Sacramento. Bobby Hurley then she will work as a Sales- is at Klamath Falls. Oregon, girl in a departmnt- store in where she is working at a bowl-San Francisca. Shirley Ferrera ing alley. Ronnls Hurley has recently announced htr engage-, moved to Anchorage.

Alaska, ment to Larry McKinney. They where he will continue her will be wed in January. Shirley education. is employed at the Pacific Tele- Floyd Jenkins and Adrian phone and Telegraph Company. Jewell would like to report th Betty Liberty is also a loyal they are still in Folsom.

Having employee at Pacific Tel and Tel. spent the summer water-skiing Betty may be seen cruising and working on cars- they both round in her new '56 Plymouth, ere considering junior college-She will attend ARJC night Bill Hogate has enjoyed playing school this fall. for Cameron Pontiac in the Con-Eiu RowJen has been hard at nie Mack League this summer, work at a Playtex girdle factory Barbara Flohr works for an several o. ia- vedr Loughndge, Co-Superintendents of the school, will lead the par- ents in a general orientation of the Christian education calendar and the new curriculum materials. The Presbyterian Church is located on 608 Figueroa Street in Folsom.

Church School heli weekly from a. m. Sundays followed, by mornin? worship at 11 a.m. The school is open to all ages from two years through adults. Everyone Is welcome and cordially invited to at.

tend. has been employed at tie 6 Ear Coys Ranch on Jackson Koad this summer, Dons Clayton has spent a summer we moy envy one of doing almost nething. This will chtnse and Jira Palmer. You tna rest have actually had ob s.m-as&tiTtd that the dragnet will be mer. And cf 'oe-e rr.

re t-? teat out immediately but lor the working at Aerojtt than any moment, this ali we are other establishment, to report. Daid Burnet: has brer, p-h- As wish all graduating classes ir.g the grsve srd shift at Aero-Uncle Sam has taken an early jet- aJo-ig wit Jim Lar.d.s cut Into the Class of '60 claiming Ruhard Shaj Dave, who will nine boys. say this fall is a Jerry Curtis, after enjoying operator there Jim Land two months of swimming and a is has invested ha earnings, past, wild trip throughout the Pacific ar.d future, in a '6i northwest, chose to join tne Chevy. No one is quite sure what army. Jim Jones was a member Sahaj be doing this 'all.

of the army paratroopers before including Rich r.ot runrung around no He his boat- soon though- as Dons will start study at Sacramento City College this ondary education at Sierra C.i- h. Enci-a ll.Crevi.c rl Erg.i full- Judy Barton is ano her who will attend SSC in the fall. She has been hard at work this summer at the Mather Elementary School, working in the summer recreation a er.t. Also working there is Jim Elder. Jim in Texas this summer.

II will attend Sterr3 College his She a receptionist insurance company in Sacramen- this summe -Dr. Ji.u Biii -veil is one tne many Tom Kozicl has a permanent exnerience of is locking forward to the school i job at Aerojet as a draftsman- boys to have aiiera conege lexis, with to. Dianne Gaines has spent the hopes for a different occupation summer working and vacationing in the future. Bill Woods has at a vacation resort Kathleen len working for the City of Griffin has moved to Los Ange- Folscm. ies where she is attending a typ- Jean Wood rum was recently ing hool.

Pat Hay is another to married to a Tcm somebody and combine work an- pleasure. She new lives Li the Marshall Anart- SIRES PAINT CO. PA1STISG PAPER I1AXG1XG OLD or NEW WORK Expert Werkntea Free Estimate 12000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Phone YO 7-0558 term as he will be able to attend the Oklahoma university, and as we ail know. Oklahoma is his home state! ox coy st the store, at Loky's Folsom fcnd working on iht ping or swim-s'-udv elf-ctroniis fil. OiMlie ARJC night spent the summer as we s'-l being a i i would have liked: just having When net fun.

he nijy Linda Nasstrc-m is a secretary nis c-r. t. 'for two bosses at Aerojet. Bonnie Jim Osborne Tichenor is working ARJC there as a typist. Bonnie and mer v.

ill c- ut iiic uajjiov Svarron Wt-aras has QuitJ ments. But, because of this "com- New Mexico, where she a leisurely summer this ye o-'f plet?" information. I have been js a receptionist. She will attend she has travel SPECIAL DACK'-TO-SCHOOL -WATCHES TIMEX WESTCLOX 7 JEWELED LEVER Waterproof Shoekproof i nab.e to locate my further in- Riversid? Baptist College with 8 formation, as I can't with Frankie hooe of euins into mi-slonarv ing and traveling some more Clin: Tiohenor were married choo: -lays. ie-iu-s work: dotir ARJC.

Allan Rawland may attend Sac State. He has been working at a gas station. Frank Lowery has been at the Texaco station in Rancho. Richard Lloyd works with his father in the-r grocery store. Jackie Oberson has been happily doing nothing this summer, but anticipates a job at Aerojet.

Kay Martin has been entertaining the same pastime. At the latest report she was still going with Rich. Larry Melvin also isn't working. He spends much of his time going partying with Monte Reeser. Some reports have It that Gary King is a box boy at Rak-y's in Rancho.

Vyron Vance is employed at the mess hall at Mather. He will study business administration at ARJC this fall. Carol Summers has tentative plans to attend Sacramento State Richard Strand recently married Sandra Carr. They live in RoseviUe. Richard is now employed at Aerojet.

So sums up the first chapter for the Class of '60. There will be many more chapters as the years stretch ahead. We predict that there will be a great number of bright ones. Who can tell what accomplishments these happy classmates will bring to pass? As historian of the Class it will be my pleasant duty to report again in ten years, the progress which has been made. See you in 1970! Reno last July.

Thev now live Or i-'Urron w. pronati.y v. oi for Kka.itf.t. married tn Tlill work. in the Marshall Apartments.

uuus th.s i.iiiin.r!. BaiLaia Phy is aiso working ut Tutu at Piraaan- Aerojet as is Chuck ti. tor tne sun.mrr where he Chuck had worked for a beer orks ut stjclt-s. txercinug distributing company Sacra- nurses Ct coutse. there are some Tuenlo.

seniois ho have spent the sum- Darrell Parker was a draftsman met fcxta-tsin their to do stutc in a cimcai position who lives Someplace; Glenda Net- this fall. Faye just re- tie, married to Ranald somebody; turned from a trip Wis.onain. and Roberta ball who is luairied Since this return, she has enjoyed t0 somebody Brown, weekend jaunts to Luke lahoe George Bates was emploved at where she usus with Eddie Electric earlier this sum- Theis. Faye is considering at- nier. but isn't now.

He left the iL OK Kuyleiie Horn lias spent summer of having a real blast She has a car which she got fur graduation and is considering attending ARJC. Karen Howdy-shell won't attend school this fall. She is looking for a job and anticipating moving back to Montana in February. Stephanie Osborne is a clerk III UK? at Aerojet this summer. He plans nothing, nothing the wav of tending ARJC this fall with a vicious rumor with the secretary major in business.

ttt Slater's that he was joining to attend American River Junior work that is. Elva Ada has thought a lot At the last report Richard the Navy. From many reliable AUTO PAINTING Body and Fender Work Rays Body Shop Orangevale INSURANCE ESTIMATES 440 ORANGEVALE AVE. (la Rear) YUkon 8 0154 hfttit hmkiny f. a mh nnrt- ecK was anomer on tne use ci or otnerwise sources, comes tne College.

Sandy Staton. who pre-j viously worked at Polk's Apparel, is now a swtichboard operator at Aerojet. She plans to attend Leonard Campbell typist at the telePhne company. i i. i.

-i- ..) iinemnhivpri seniors Rut. Rirhard rpnnrt that uig ncr new i'lAie nair ay ie- --r a v. hprp cho plans t0 find clerical work this is one wlth PreU' fair excuse; isn't working this summer. Versi fZ, 1 the University of California ai. fall.

Eilene Anderson has soent 'e- r.e was in the process of Ellis vacat-oned in Oregon this --v6v Los Angeles to train to become Davis to study Home Economics. t-4 mnv nt in iiranis usnn, si mmpr is nn-j in Bill Kuhn. now working in the ific Telephone Companv. She will when this inquiry was made, where she will attend junior col- a Priv be off the phone lo-E enough to Richard will attend college this lege. i i oe uie nw.

to thf Mnvfair Market next week cost surveilance department of plant engineering, will also at fliRTC in the npci3l- year at new nometown- tverette tDtmg ulicni. anJU in special Th f)hnrn hve in Sar- tend the University of Calif or Louie Betty Calhsh is another of the is employee, as an agricultural ct. minv M-hn a ir attend a ip engineer at the BOQ's at Mathe rameno. I will be under the KROTC pro- in is to he attend- which is a pretty big title for a Don Potts is in Los Angelej jgram there, with a in en- summer 0, csre 0V the ing 'the Carme! Modeling School gardener. He will go to Sacra- where he works for an electronics 17 JEWELED LEVER PARKER PENS PENCILS ALSO Expert Watch Repairing LEN BROCK Jeweler "Get Your Rocks From Brocks" FOLSOM SHOPPING CENTER 412 Bidwell Phone TOion 5-2133 A hause.

As t0 where she will at- on Saturdays. During the week, memo uuy to stuay eiec- Three other Folsom High grads. tervi has her eve she works part time at the base tronics. Dave Evans will use college, where the cost will be wi.1 attend the University of Cal- 0 0 nurserv and the ret of the time what's left of his earnings from met by the electronics company, ifornia Melir.da Stinde will be ie' bz wo- t-ed at she enjoys swimming. Kathy Harris Hardware to finance a Don had worked as a box boy at the Berkeley campus.

Melinda f0. t. tvs Knutson will take a business college education. at Lucky's in Folsom. Jim Pur-has spent the summer traveling.

at ARJC battled Mike Gardener and Mike Grey ves spent a few weeks vacation-Sharon nchester and Linda 1 1 ni a in Sin' Fr a rci sc hrough nljht cour It histW wiU attend SCC this fall. Mike in In Los Angeles this summer. Egloff wiU hit the books at at Ra. stit- this Gardener was a box boy at He now works as gardener for MJdf41.lMclf.IIfl I THIS HUGE CIRCUS WILL PLAY A IflTJ MKi TA1 ill I TO ALLOW TIME FOR FEEDING AND WATERING ITS MANY ANIMALS. THESE PREVAILING CIRc*msTANCES WILL Af.

FORD LOCAL "CIRCUS-FANS" THE OPPORTUNITY Ct SEEING THE LARGEST AND FINEST CIRCUS EVER TO YISIT THIS AREA. Remember One Performance! Matinee Only! No Nile Show Park Estates and in Ran- UCLA. Sharon has been Indus- p- Lurkv's in Rancho. He will be a Mills 1 He may at'nd iwouaiy Muumg a fwedier U11S- 4.H m.1in thronshotlt the summer while Linda has been 'Ud' Kdrel W1 1 Sehlenker will employed at the Folsom Tele- Soori toe kuag down to work mldwesu Sna.on Schki.ker wni graph, writing ridiculous stories at Abilene Christian College at also attend ARJC. Abilene.

Texas. After spending Linda Graham has enjoyed a such as this one. Under the category of working a leisurely summer in Florida, summer of traveling and leisure. FOLSOM -CITY. PARK 1 k-rt- i i IMLER 18 SUN.

SEPT. h3s Folsom Phone YU 5-9954 803 Bidwell Street FREE DELIVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY MJB COFFEE CAMPBELL'S SOUP 2 POUND CAN' 1 FOUND CAX ALL MEAT VARIETIES FRISKIES IMKi MEAL A Complete Dog Food mi wm 1 Lbs. Hz if ,3 i 3 CHUCK USDA Good 8c Choice ROAST USUA GOOD A CHOK CHUCK 2 REAL LIVE GIRAFFESI ABOVE: Little Children greet "Lydiu" upon arrival with the Nation's 2nd largest circus, AI G. Knily Miller who 1m the smallest bahv elephant now in the U.S.A. The 1H herds of paehyderms will be among the first members of the Al G.

Bros. Circus to arrive in Folsom for the afternoon performance only Sun. Sept. 18 at the City Park grounds. This is one time of the year when flaming posters are plimpsed on all sides and the small boy in the city and country begins to amaze his mother by obeying her every command.

We must admit that we punished a lot of carpets about circus time, in our boyhood days and doubtless there are a lot of the old boys who have some recolleetions of earning their cireus admissions. And without a doubt, a majority of us have fallen for that "gag" about carrying water to the elephants or playing chambermaid to a herd of thirsty camels, for a few hours, to get into the "big fop." Getting a half a dollar for a seat at the eircus was often times, when we were small boys, a more perplexing problem than paying off the national debt. Maybe it still is. But what Is there In this whole universe, that has more fun, more enjoyment, and more merriment than the "good old eircus" Bringing back memories of the circus 'in town. The whole day off, is a young boy's dream of heaven.

Rising at daybreak to run over to the grounds and see the tents put up, watch the cages hauled into their temporary quarters, and getting a glimpse now and then of ''Hpangleland." To be a clown has been the height of many small boy's ambition, the jesters who have made the circus the great American institution It has become. Undoubtedly some of the instances related, will become true experiences among the juvenile circles of Folsom when Al G. Kelly-Miller Bros. Cirrus arrives in town on the morning of Sun, Sept. 18 to give their afternoon performance.


xrj in i III Hn SHANK 45c SI MmS VHOLE 49c lb. II FiAVlJ BUTT 55clb. Now t'scd Furniture, Linoleums, Appliances, Tools, Misc. Brie A Hmo, Antiques, STH II Your Dollar At KATHAN'S New Ik Used Store 705 Sutter St. Folsom YU 5-3277 P.S.


8, 9, 10.

The Folsom Telegraph from Folsom, California (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.