The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Advocate-Messengeri

Danville, Kentucky

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Almanac Tonight Monday Tuesday Saturday 21 Clouds and some sunshine Windy with clouds and flumes Mostly sunny Penods of snow 2 4 Inches JX Weatlier ffisfory IIUL1I iwa' a Salvisa Harrodsburg Crab 1935 2535 iberland MPs Weather Pktare 2214 Warm ront 1 Dropped cell phone led to crash I Jones markets according to the ederal State Start the Oay With Breakfast and a Goad Cup of Coffee! in Get ftl and Lounge Luccl 348 Southland Drive Lexington Ky 40503 606 278 9424 Names in the news the New holi Stationary ront Sunrise tomorrow am mg 25 Moonset 12 23 pm 12:56 pm ADMISSION PRICES: All Movies before 5:30 are $200 per person After 5:30 pm Adults $400 143 MINS 192 MINS Cold ront Paint Lick 2035 Louisville 2234 Ashland 1138 SE 9 mph 13 mph Lucci says in the eb 5 TV Guide are many dis cussions to be had but I hope it works out been an exhila rating Lucci filled in for three weeks while Peters was on vacation The soap opera star captured her first Emmy last year She portrays Erica Kane on My Washington 3422 cent to burglary and theft charges Circuit Judge Artemio Baxa reduced bail from $10000 to $1500 on Wednesday after public defender Su san Arnett said her client would have a place to stay on the island if shewere released Keleher was arrested a week before Harrison was stabbed in the chest by an intruder in his mansion near London He was treated for a collapsed right lung gear according to an Air orce reportreleased Wednesday The report did not say how fast the car was going The driver Airman Raymone Sydnor was patrolling the flight line at this lorida Pan handle base when he dropped his personal phone and leaned down to search for it investiga Miami 7566 Estimated Kentucky Lotto jackpot: $52 million 24 hour Change 04 ft jjiXg? Kansas City1 zz 1 EVENING Pick 3: 5 8 7 Pick 4: 0 6 6 7 Cash 5: 5 10 18 30 33 EGLIN AIR ORCE BASE la GAP) An Air orce secu rity man crashed his patrol car into a parked $39 million jet fighter while fumbling for his cell phone totaling the car and damaging the plane investiga tors say The Nov 5 accident caused more than $62000 in damage to the landing 2998" 30 17" I Shown is tomorrow's weather Temperatures are lows and highs Showers I 1 storms Rain lurries I Snow I On Jan 28 1922 the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre in Washington DC collapsed after a 25 mch snowfall instantly killing more than 100 people Creston TPaducah 1 2735' Liberty 2337 s)3dojp jajeM ueq) jegjej siejsAjo eoi jo pesodiuoo 6oj 6046 1 tr All maps forecasts and data provided by AccuWeather Inc KENTUCKY LOTTERY NUMBERS tors said Sydnor suffered a concussion He received an undisclosed punishment As a result of the accident the Air orce said security per sonnel have been ordered to get out of their cars every half hour for a 10 minute break combat boredom and oxygenate blood Also ServingLunch (with daily specials) Dinner Monday Thursday 8 am 12am riday Saturday 8 am 1 am Sunday 8 am 11 pm Detroit 'l 000" 2 83" 3 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thursday MIDDAY Pick 3: 5 9 3 Pick 4: 3 6 9 7 'I I I IHMlIlWu H'W1 A n4iJ National Summary: A slow moving winter storm will bring more snow and ice to the Deep South tomorrow Northern Georgia will receive more ice just in time for the Super Bowl with snow over portions of the Ohio Valley A cold high pressure and fresh snowcover will make for a chilly day over the southern Plains The West will be dry with some sunshine vi iivavju I John Grisham boost program on faith writing WACO Texas (AP) Best selling author John Grisham is expected to make a rare pub lic appearance next month to help launch a program of public lectures and readings on faith and writing The program at Baylor Uni versity a Baptist school is called and will feature about two dozen writ ers Grisham a Baptist and a baseball fan is expected to be the featured speaker at the morning program eb 25 then catch the afternoon baseball game between Baylor and Ok lahoma State books many of which have been made into movies include and Time To Mostly cloudy with some snow late Singer baseball player finalize divorce plans ARECIBO Puerto Rico (AP) Detroit Tigers outfielder Juan Gonzalez and merengue singer Olga Tanon have final ized their divorce hope that the public as well as the media accept and respect the decision made and allow us to keep this mo ment strictly they said in a statement Thursday lawyer Alfredo Cas tellanos said that the couple split amicably and have tranquility between them and good Married in December 1998 they have a 3 year old daughter Gabriela Tanon vowed in November to end their marriage after Gon zalez lost his appeal in a pater nity suit The two time Amer ican League Most Valuable Player has been married four times and has three children by three women a Lower bail for woman found in Harrison home WAILUKU Hawaii (AP) Bail has been reduced for a homeless woman found inside George Maui es tate last month doing her laun dry and eating pizza Cristin Keleher 27 was ar rested Dec 23 after she was found in the house by the for mer sister in law Keleher allegedly entered the home through an open slid ing glass door cooked a frozen pizza drank a root beer did her laundry and phoned her moth er in New Jersey Harrison was not in Hawaii at the time Keleher has pleaded inno eet above sea level 7 am Lake Today Herrington 7234 ft Tlte Sum Lucci iikes Broadway NEW YORK (AP) Susan Lucci who replaced Berna dette Peters Your over Christmas and days says she might return to the Broad way show per manently asked me to step in for Bernadette when she (permanently) leaves the A12 THE ADVOCATE MESSENGER RIDAY JANUARY 28 2000 tomt for teuiviillh get in to any Rated movie you must be 17 years of age with valid ID or be accompanied with parent in the movie NO EXCEPTIONS orum honors Quincy Jones LOS ANGELES (AP) Entertainer Quincy Jones is being honored by the World Economic orum for helping bridge cultur al gaps am Jones said Thursday after learning he was picked to receive the Crystal Award for promoting unity through cultural diversi my career I have witnessed first hand the power that the arts have to bring young people together in positive and productive endeav ors and I hope that the work I have done has contributed to those said Jones a Grammy winning producer arranger composer The award honors individu als artistic achievements have no international bound aries and who have contributed to the concept of cross cultural understanding forum founder Klaus Schwab said Jones was producer and con ductor of the 1985 hit Are the that helped raised $100 million famine relief in Africa The award ceremony is eb 1 in Davos Switzerland Miser leaves $9 million MEDORD Ore (AP) A self described miser who drank outdated milk lived in an unheated house and held up his secondhand pants with a bungee cord has left $9 mil lion to social service agencies Gordon Elwood 79 of Med ford died in October leaving a legacy built on frugality and investments from 46 years as a self taught TV technician was a very bright articulate person but he liter ally was a said Robert Hutchins who managed El finances for more than 20 years want any thing that was yours but he certainly saved what was Board members of the Gor don Elwood oundation said Thursday that $9 million of El $10 million estate will take the form of grants to agencies in southern Oregon including the YMCA the Sal vation Army the American Red Cross and nonprofit orga nizations that benefit cats About $50000 will be avail able for immediate distribu tion with grants increasing' to about $400000 annually start ing next year Hutchins said News of fortune surprised people who knew him as a shabbily dressed fig ure pedaling a bicycle across Jackson County collecting bot tles and cans for deposits He slept in a sleeping bag and ate free holiday meals would come in here and I would think he was really said Mick Johnson fam ily services director for the Salvation Army in Medford would give him a loaf of bread Sometimes I would give him a little jar of jelly I feel so silly I really know he was that Elwood who lived in a mod est house amassed his fortune through self denial careful savings and a shrewd under standing of stocks and other investments Even family was in the dark about the extent of his wealth His sister Doreen Keener 81 gasped when told the size of his estate 4' 40' 21' Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation Temperature bands are highs for the day orecast highlow temperatures are given tor selected cities 1 28 00 1 30 00 i GREEN MILE RI 4:30800 SAT 1054:308 00 SUN 1054:30 MON THURS 430 BICENTENNIAL MAN RI 4:006:459:30 SAT 1104:006:459:30 SUN 1:104:006:45 MON THURS 4:006:45 Statistics for Danville for yesterday Temperature High Low Normal high Normal low Precipitation Yesterday Month to date Normal month to date tYear to date Normal year to date Humidity (Yesterday's average 81 Wind Speed Average direction Average speed Highest speed Barometric Pressure Low yesterday (High yesterday ington I234 GALAXY QUEST RI SAT 1:003:005:007:009:00 SUN pG MINS MON THURS 5 007 00 1 ANY GIVEN SUNDAY RI 4:15745 SAT 1:004:157:45 SUN 8 MON THURS 415 Kentucky burley table LEXINGTON (AP) Preliminary sales by pounds with the total price and average price per hundred pounds for Thursday in the Kentucky burley Market News Service: 'A' 4 4 Sunday 2338 NatiotS orecast for SatwiaK January Moonrise Today 1:04 am Tomorrow 2:02 am Im leases MitrhAllchiirn 4 If4 st 24y WtfeerWla J': 's'a aisL'B11 rrti rxXTi9'Bci aa: What is ice fog? COLD New York 3226 Houston CHILLY yxx BetheiridgeL 2137 iburg 2138 ilshville 2036 A'i 'aster Stanford 2236 (McKinney' I al 441i i fl til 7 Vs 1 I a Qrfhard Cfcv Jit W7 fr iuMhi 1 A Ml it nfilTOrL 'W i 'X jT 4 1 MewtfftljkSRfV 'V i Lil Ril ILJ LJ ie I Hmm 4UJ0 I ifM Ji Aw' T1 MBHHI JTT JkC JW A al i JT i'TVWIWI OVIBq 5 I rAatv A 1 7 I XGL T' 2 V' 7 7 Rusa6 'Ji 4' VV a MOMR! i breen UdwmrwTiin jnopKinsyiiie 2733 i' 4L 4" 'k'i a I rj A rf wiraaiesDoro l111 1 u1 1 1 4 Bi'' a a is uns I Ju Tis I i I i I i 1 A 4 I 010 1 1 aY I 'sL 1 I'1 WHIlirtMpVIlSS I I rs 3 gl mi a san rranctsco fcTrT jtL i I 11 DPnvPr 3414UT W1 AW A fT i kNMBll it 4 A TA 71 til A A A 4 6 lW UUIOHI CrJia A 1 1 I zx 4 A3 iHf 1 I KSKffi'tf IbdK WTiK CM bf Dicture is from 4 nvi ''A X' iOi 4 a student at it EL 1 Tj I iirf if 0 nariow JL Elementary 7 A1 Nvnffiar a I I SE Hr jii 'j? isHH if3l a dlfl EwiMI' 'MHH 4 HHp Jx JH 7 I showtimes week of 10s 0s OS 4a 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 1 t90S7 Site Lbs Sold Price Avg Bloomfield NO SALE Bowling Green 312758 $577531 $18466 Carrollton 218500 $412039 $18858 Cynthiana NO SALE Danville 218951 $414107 $18913 Harrodsburg 156157 $296562 $18991 Hopkinsville 218158 $405719 $18597 Hors Glas Green 404039 $750940 $18586 Lebanon CLOSED Lexington 496829 $930573 $18730 London NO SALE Louisville 105661 $197200 $18663 Mayfield 192228 $360992 $18779 Maysville 189035 $361311 $19113 Morehead NO SALE Mt Sterling 335295 $637126 $19002 Owensboro 446229 $838134 $18783 Paducah CLOSED Paris NO SALE Richmond 136271 $256440 $18818 Russellville NO SALE Shelbyville PASSED PASSED Somerset 189841 $358617 $18890 Springfield 237979 $445807 $18733 TOTAL KY 3857931 $7243098 $18775 rSt Names in the news.

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The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6057

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.