Occupational Hazard | Stray Kids x Reader - Chapter 3 - MelancholicMariposa (2024)

Chapter Text

Soft breaths puffed out of Felix’s mouth; eyes shut as his body was finally satiated enough to rest. His naked body cuddled up to yours, making your skin tingle and your beta howl with joy. The room felt as though you watched a loving couple bake vanilla cupcakes and the smell permeated their clothes, the mix smelling of a home every sentimental dreams of. Your fingers run through Felix’s wild hair, making his chest rumble with a purr against yours. The damp sheets were cool, covering both of your lower halves, the mattress sunken perfectly under you both.

Despite the immense comfort and safety, you felt, with the warm scents drifting through your nose and the omega you cared for perfectly latched in your arms, you couldn’t ignore the distant ocean breeze scent. Mustering up your courage, you shifted your eyes to the alpha, still residing in the corner. The sun had gone down not too long ago, drenching the room in darkness. You were grateful- you hadn’t risked yourself and Felix by angering the man. You eyed his silhouette- barely able to make out the lines of each feature. You knew he could see you in full detail- his alpha eyesight was better than yours, and it intimidated you. Just a little bit. However, that didn’t stop your lips from curling into a little smirk and testing the water.

“Did you get to cum, Alpha?”

You didn’t need to see his face any more clearly to know he flushed at your soft-spoken question. Bashfulness and a little bit of embarrassment laced within his watery scent. Your smirk widened a little before pressing your lips together trying to muffle your laughter. You knew he had enjoyed watching you f*ck his pretty omega mate, despite his reservations against you. Felix by himself was attractive enough to get him hot and bothered.


Your face turned into an ‘oop’ expression, not having expected a verbal response. It was Chan’s turn to laugh at your expression, cute laughter softly piercing the quiet room. After a few more beats of silence, you cleared your throat.

“I am sorry. For uh- intruding.”

“You don’t need to be apologizing,” Chan’s thick Aussie accent made your heart skip a beat, “I really should be thanking you for helping him. You did an amazing job too- he hasn’t been able to sleep since his heat started so it’s a relief he’s finally getting rest.”

You nodded; a smile curled on your lips as you gazed at the sleeping omega in your arms. You squeezed him just a little bit tighter, vaguely aware of how things between you both are sure to change.

“I’m impressed. I know you probably know, but this is a very delicate situation. I was really skeptical, but it seems I made the right decision.”

“You did. I will sign as many NDAs as needed, don’t worry.”

You couldn’t see it, but Chan’s eyes widened in surprise- not expecting that. He didn’t really know what he was expecting but you kept shooting past his expectations. You were the exact opposite of the person he was worried you’d be.

You hadn’t sent Felix into subdrop- coming up with the perfect solution to him being in the room making sure he and Felix were as comfortable as possible given the situation. You’d been nothing but polite- respecting him and his packmate while in their home. You’d known what to do with Felix and just how to treat him. Chan felt his heart melt a little at the care you’d shown his mate, and how cozy and content his mate seemed to be in your arms. While he wasn’t previously aware of Felix’s relationship with you, he could tell what you both had was real no matter the celebrity status the omega held. The older Australian wasn’t oblivious to the way you both looked at each other- he knew there was something past your human friendship between you both, but he wasn’t going to push it out of you. He needed to talk with you and Felix together after his heat.


2 days had passed since Felix’s heat started, and after 2 days it was over. You had stayed the entire time, Felix’s omega growling at every mention of you going back to your apartment. You followed Chan’s rule of never leaving the room, only using the bathroom connected. You stayed naked after the first night, deciding the clothes you wore there needed to stay clean to leave in as well.

After Felix had woken up, heat back in full swing, he went on about as if it was any normal heat. But with a beta. You and Chan took turns caring for the omega, after being prepped and soothed by you, he was needy for an alpha’s knot which Chan had no problem fulfilling, then allowing you both to care for him afterward. After a couple of times, Felix begged to have you near, or sometimes in the nest while Chan’s knot was deep inside of him- you always complied to prevent upsetting Felix and after a bit, Chan didn’t seem to mind. Apparently, Chan had forbidden any other packmate to help with Felix’s heat. Probably for the best considering you didn’t know many alphas who would be all right with an unknown wolf helping their mate through their most vulnerable time.

The faint sound of the shower calmed you, Felix finally strong enough to take one by himself. You politely offered to help Chan change the sheets and clean the heavily scented room. He agreed and you both worked in silence, knowing that once Felix was finished, you’d all talk. It wasn’t awkward but it wasn’t comfortable either. You felt anxiety bubble a little in your stomach- you didn’t want to be forbidden from seeing Felix again.

Felix emerged from the bathroom, a little bit of steam following him into the now freshly cleaned room. The three of you sat on the floor, Felix was quick to climb into your lap and begin scenting you.

“Hey, Lixie. What’s this for?” You spoke softly around your purrs. Your scent bloomed a bit, Felix drinking it in as your wolf relished the feeling. You didn’t notice Chan’s shoulders relax a little from your scent.

“A thank you,” Felix pulled away, to look at you. Water drops slid down his face, escaping his damp hair as his dark eyes looked deep into yours. His eyes traced your face, irises gasping in every line, every feature, every curve. He loved to look at you. It was one of his favorite pastimes, he recalled. “You didn’t have to help me. But you did. You took care of me, even when it was risky. Thank you so much.”

“You know I’d do anything for you, Lix. I owe it to you.”

Felix smacked your arm, glaring at you playfully. He always said you didn’t owe him anything- despite the feeling that you did. He had always been there for you- he’d been your rock and he dealt with lots of your bullsh*t. You wished you could do morefor himsometimes. The omega turned around in your arms, facing his Pack Alpha who had been watching the interaction with calculating eyes- expression blank and scent even, not giving away his thoughts.

“I think proper introductions are overdue.”

“Oh!” Felix perked up. Truthfully, he was overjoyed at what had transpired. He got to have such a special and raw moment with you, someone he was falling for incredibly quickly. And his alpha wasn’t mad about it! Now he finally gets to introduce a new important person in his life to the other 8 important mates he loved. “This is my Pack Alpha, Chan. And Chan this is obviously the beta I told you about! They’re my best friend outside of our pack.”

“Name’s Chan. Or Chris if you’d prefer.”

You finally let the alpha know of your name, introducing yourself. Chan ignored his alpha, who barked and wagged his metaphorical tail.

Perfect name for perfect beta.

‘Shut up, we hardly know them.’ Chan scolded, frustrated at the unusual way his alpha was acting.

Took care of mate. Must take care of beta. Beta take care of us, too.


“Chan, can they meet the rest of the pack?” Felix questioned, eyes wide with excitement. Chan mentally cooed at his adorable mate.

“Maybe later. Right now, we need to talk about what we do from here.”

Felix pouted, but only for a few seconds before grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with your own. You felt your heart swell and you squeezed his hand, mentally taking note that his fingers still fit perfectly between your own. It was a comforting consistency in this now-changing relationship.

“Again, I’m willing to sign any NDA you need me to. As far as I care, this was strictly personal and shouldn’t affect anything career-wise.”

You felt Felix stiffen against you, and you let more of your scent pump out, hoping to relax and reassure him. You squeezed his hand.

Chan sighed, “I really don’t want to get the company involved. I don’t think we need to do anything legal. But I would like to exchange numbers with you and keep in touch. Felix didn’t tell any of us that he had such a close friend, and he knows how risky it can be.” Chan gave a pointed look to the boy in your arms.

You looked at him, alarm on your face. “I mean- you never explicitly told me you talked about me, but I assumed you at least told them of my existence. You come around and hang outa lot!” You pinched Felix’s arm with the hand not tangled in his, causing the omega to yelp. “I’m sorry, Chris- “ You begin.

“Don’t worry about it,” He waved you off, “It’s alright- nothing bad has happened. It just surprised us, that’s all. Anyways, I don’t want to get JYPE involved. We handled everything just fine and I hope I don’t regret trusting you with our personal lives.”

You nodded; grateful he was willing to trust you with such a big thing. Felix wiggled happily in your lap, before launching out of your arms and into Chris’s.

“Thank you!”

“Yeah, yeah, pup. Let’s go let the others know you’re doing alright.”

You rose from your spot on the floor, ready to get some much-needed fresh air. You picked up your duffel bag and handed it to Felix.

“Here, there’s some leftover snacks you may as well have. And… some other things you may want that I thought wouldn’t hurt to bring. I have everything else I need so.”

Felix nodded, and hugged you, eternally grateful that you were still here, and still being kind and lovely to him as you always were. Having in him your arms still felt right. Another soothing pattern.

“We’re good, right? Still best friends?” You whispered to him, hugging him a little closer to your body.

“Nah. We’re still enemies. I won’t forgive you for that red shell.”

You laughed, Felix’s words reminding you of the time you played Mario Kart, your strategies besting him and earning you a declaration of eternal nemeses. You and Felix follow the alpha out of the room, and you are immediately reminded that you three are not the only ones in the penthouse. 6 different smells swirling together hit your nose, and your breath hitches, love, ecstasy, and pride making up the atmosphere. The owners of the scents all sat in a living room down the hallway, near the entrance of the apartment you had gone through. Everything seemed to catch up with you at that moment- you’re about to meet all the mates of the person you’ve been falling for. You swallowed the nervous bile in your throat and worked to keep your scent cool and collected.

“Let’s introduce ourselves, shall we?” Chris said, hands gesturing to everyone to stand.

All 8 men lined up, a couple smiling at you, some expressionless, some staring at you with hard looks.

“Hello! Step out, we are- Stray Kids!” They all bowed in sync, and you felt your heart beat a little bit harder.

‘f*ck, they’re all so pretty.’

Wanna bite.


Mate material, your beta shrugged.

You sighed internally, smiling politely at the 8 idols in front of you. Introducing yourself, you bowed, your introduction less fancy than theirs. Felix was bouncing on his toes, vanilla cupcakes sweetening the atmosphere with rosewater calming your nerves slightly.


One of the tough-looking strangers spoke. His body was that of a dancer’s, lithe and beautiful. He had been squinting at you the entire time you were within his vision. You balance out your scent, making sure not to let any of your fear get through. You didn’t want to lose Felix by upsetting his pack. If his pack didn’t like you, no matter how much Felix did, your relationship would be over.

The leader sighed, gesturing at the man to follow him and they disappeared down the hall. You didn’t bother following them with your eyes, the omega next to you vibrating with anticipation. After the abandonment of Chan, the group dispersed a bit. Three of the men approached you and Felix, and you steeled yourself- channeling all your charisma. You could charm even the coldest of people- you were determined not to leave here with things ruined.

“Lixie!” An omega came up and wrapped Felix into a hug, immediately scenting him as the freckled boy reciprocated. “Mmm, you smell so good.”

Felix’s sweet scent deliciously twisted with the other omega’s cinnamon and apple scent, reminding you of warm embraces under a large tree in the fall.

“Hey.” You shifted your eyes from the omegan pair to the two alphas in front of you. Your stomach twisted with nerves, but you took a deep breath (partially regretting doing so, with all the new scents in the air) and allowed a pleasant smile to grow on your face.

“I’m Changbin,” A stocky man, with a large torso and thick arms held out his large hand for you to shake, to which you complied. His curly hair framed his crinkled eyes and matched his kind smile well. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach- he wascute. The handshake was firm, and you could tell he was impressed by you matching his grip. “Thank you for taking care of our mate. You’re a beta, right?”

You nodded, not trusting your voice. You felt your beta purr at the feeling of Changbin’s hand connected to yours and you internally growled at them. Your hands separated and you shot a glance toward the other alpha, who shuffled his feet a bit, eyes tilted toward the ground.

Changbin sighed and placed his hand on the shy alpha’s shoulder. “It’s okay,” He said soothingly, before turning to you, “You won’t bite, right?”

You barked out a laugh, head tilting back and smile opening wide. You were unaware of how every head in the room turned and listened and stared intently.

“I won’t unless you ask me to.” You winked at the both of them, amused. Both alphas flushed, Changbin smiled bashfully and the other looked back towards the ground again.

Felix called out your name exasperatedly, “Quit it, you’re going to give poor Innie a heart attack.”

‘Innie’, sighed and raised his head, though not making eye contact. “My name is Jeongin. You can call me that or I.N. Thank you for taking care of Felix hyung.”

You smiled at the alpha, favoring the way his baby powder scent burned with a bit of campfire in embarrassment. The scent was nice- even though you knew it could get overpowering quickly. Your beta was quick to scratch at your walls, wanting to scent the poor boy in comfort.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jeongin.”

You watched him as his foxlike eyes finally met yours and you felt your stomach leap in happiness. Jeongin gave you a small smile, to which you returned, his scent brightening as you both made eye contact. Changbin watched the interaction curiously, seeing another one of his mates react positively to you.

Suddenly there were arms wrapped around your neck, and you were swift to catch them, wrapping your arms around their waist.

“Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Lix told me how attentive and kind and sweet you were and thankyousomuch! “

The unknown omega with the sweet cinnamon and apple scent rambled, your brain just barely able to process his words. Your beta was going feral on the inside- the way your arms could wrap around histinywaist all the way, the way he fits so nicely in your arms. You shook your head, urging yourself to get yourself together. The omega pulled away, a large grin on his chubby cheeks. Once his eyes finally met yours, he seemed to do a double-take- his mind catching up with his actions. You noticed the red blush tint on his cute cheeks, and he was fast to switch his gaze to down at his feet.

“Sorry- uh… M-my name is Han Jisung.” The suddenly bashful omega spoke a little bit slower than his previous words.

“It’s uh-“ You cleared your throat, “It’s quite alright, Jisung-ssi.” If your own hot cheeks didn’t give you away, you were sure your scent did.

“So, how did you and Felix meet?” Changbin asks, hands tucked into his front pockets. The other two wolves also looked toward you, awaiting an answer.

“Oh! It-It’s kind of embarrassing...” You laugh a little, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you remember.

“For you.” Felix had come up to stand next to you, smirking at you, an eyebrow quirked up. You hate how stupidly hot it was, and you looked away, cheeks warming even more.

Felix had decided to take the initiative of starting the story, “Remember when it was raining that one time and I got sick when going out to take pictures?”

You looked at him in shock, “You got sick? You didn’t tell me you got sick!”

He grinned sheepishly, “It never came up.”

You simply sighed, deciding to continue the story, “I had just gotten kicked out of my apartment- just my luck that it started raining afterward. I was walking by the Han River trying to figure out what to do. I was at a tough point in my life… it was odd but despite that, all I could think about was how I wanted to dance. So, I did. I set my stuff down and I danced in the pouring rain, to nonexistent music, in spite of whatever force had it out for me, in spite of all the sh*tty things going wrong. I danced and relished the weird feeling that somehow, I’ll get through it.”

“What’s so embarrassing about that?” Jeongin tilted his head, and you were internally awed at how cute he looked- head tilted, fully enamored by your story, and smile wide and curious.

You flushed, “It’s not the dancing in the rain that was embarrassing. It was the fact that someone saw me do it.”

“And took an absolutelygorgeouspicture of you too.” Felix chuckled.

Someone scoffed on the couch, gaining the group’s attention. A drop-dead gorgeous omega sat on the couch, one knee pressed to his chest, as his dark eyes rolled.

“I was so pissed at you for not showing me the picture you took. You got sick all for a picture that you claimed wasn’t good enough to show anyone.”

Felix whined, freckles contrasting with his pink cheeks. “…I wanted to gatekeep it. How often do you get the chance to see a beautiful stranger dancing in the rain without a care in the world? It was such a raw moment.”

“I was mortified when you came up to me and showed me. I think I said something like- ‘Oh god, I’m so sorry you had to see that.’ I wasn’t that good of a dancer.”

“See, I thought the jiggy with the spin was a killer move- “

“I hate that youstillcall it a f*cking jiggy- “

Soon everyone, including the indifferent man on the couch before were giggling, Changbin’s being high-pitched and absolutely infectious, Jeongin’s were hearty, Jisung’s shaking his entire body, and the unfamiliar omega’s face scrunching as he laughed. The butterflies in your stomach tickled you as you heard and witnessed these beautiful people make sounds of joy, and you bit the smile on your lips.



Chan led Minho into the now clean heat room, and sat on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. Minho opted to stand, sniffing the room.

“Did Changbin use too much detergent again?”

Chan raised his head slightly, before shaking it. “No, that’s the beta’s scent. Felix scented them before they left the room.”

Minho nodded; his shoulders were unconsciously loosened- his omega quietly preening at the smell of you coating the room.

“You need to talk it out.”

“…” Chan’s eyes went unfocused- thoughts running through his mind. It was moments like these where Minho wished more than anything to be able to understand what Chan was thinking.

“They were good, Minho.”

Minho blinked. Not really understanding what Chan was getting at.


“As soon as they entered this room, they knew what to do. They treated Felix with nothing but kindness, care, and respect. Everything that could have gone wrong, didn’t go wrong. They respected my boundaries, followed every single rule I set in place, and didn’t endanger us at all. Hell, they didn’t get on their phone once, I never even saw it!”

Minho nodded, respecting that you were a decent human being. “Okay? Now what.”

“I think Felix wants to court them.”

Minho’s face conveyed shock, prime omega perking up inside him.

“What do you mean?” he asked slowly.

“I think he has feelings for them. I think they reciprocate.”

Minho’s face turned blank once more as he processed that information.

“The way they look at each other- it reminds me of all of us.”

“Okay, what if they or Felix come up to you and ask about courting the other? What would you say?”

“…I’m not sure.”

The prime omega stared at Chan, silently pressuring him for a more in-depth answer.

“I’m having trouble balancing out with my alpha right now. I’m still wary. Worried, because I don’t know anything about them, and they can make things really difficult for us. Plus, we really don’t need any drama this close to a comeback-“ Chan took a deep breath. “But my alpha trusted them so…fast.My alpha is on the edge of accepting them into the pack already. It’s like he knows we need them.”

“We’ve been doing just fine without a beta for years. Why do we suddenly need one now?”

“I don’t know, Min. But Felix is already attached. Just- see what your omega thinks? If one of them brings up courting we talk about it with everyone, but until then we just keep an eye out, okay? Get closer to them, maybe we earn a new friend out of this at least.”

Minho took a deep breath- your scent flooding his senses as his wolf chirped.


You were listening to Changbin talk about stamina-building workouts when Chan and the last omega you hadn’t spoken to returned. Chan’s dimples appeared as soon as he saw the peace in the house- You were comfortably sitting on the couch in between Changbin and the pretty omega, whose name you learned was Hyunjin (your wolf drooled every time he addressed you). Felix was trapped in Hyunjin’s arms, the latter protective over the omega he hadn’t gotten to see for the past 2 days. Hyunjin was obviously slightly jealous over his mate- which you didn’t blame him at all for, and it seemed to be the reason he had been glaring at you the entire time until he heard you laugh. After the story of yours and Felix’s meet-cute, he seemed to slowly relax into your presence. Jeongin was over speaking quietly with the alpha who was adamant about ignoring you, seeming like he didn’t care about you at all. You didn’t mind, one less attractive man you had to deal with.

Hyunjin would never admit it out loud, but helovedyour scent. You had entered the room, and he felt his omega bark and yip at the addicting smell you emitted. That didn’t mean he wasn’t jealous. He didn’t want to lose his Felix to some alluring beta trying to take him away from him. But as he observed you, he realized more and more you weren’t much of a… threat, per se. He had long ago learned from his jealousy and knew not to jump to conclusions about others and his own feelings. He tried to make sense of whether he couldn’t stop staring at you because of the potential harm you could cause or if he just simply thought you were hot. Or both. As he watched you, he noted the ease Changbin seemed to feel- the alpha relaxed and not worried. The same went with Jeongin- and how you managed to earn a smile from him so quick. Jisung seemed to be as enamored as Felix- watching your every move and wanting to listen to what you had to say. Hyunjin soon realized you weren’t a threat but more of a possible opportunity. The impending change sort of… excited him.

“I’m glad to see you all are getting along alright!” Chan expressed. You hear a tch, behind you but you don’t bother to look, already knowing who made the noise. “I do think it’s about time our guest gets home though. We can’t keep them hostage for forever.”

“Sure, we can!” Jisung chirped.

You simply laughed, accepting the omega as he walked over to nuzzle into you.

“He’s right, I’ve overstayed my welcome long enough. It was fantastic meeting you all though.” You smiled brightly, genuinely happy to meet your favorite person’s mates. They were just as lovely as you thought them to be.

“Let me give you a ride home.” Chan offered. You agreed, knowing he probably still wanted to talk about something with you.

You both put your shoes on and before you could step out, a pair of arms wrapped around you, pulling you back. You sniffed the air and immediately recognized Felix as the omega hugging you goodbye. You twisted around to hug him back, savoring his warmth.

“Thank you again,” the omega whispered. “Let’s do something soon. Maybe you can hang around here more. Please.”

“As you wish.”


The car ride was silent, but not as awkward as you thought. Both you and Chris were tired- your bodies desperately needing rest after the lack of sleep and intense amount of sex. The leather seats were comfortable, the car smelling of Chris’s ocean breeze scent. The moment felt sort of serene, the darkness of the night lit up barely by the streetlights lining the road. The road noise was the perfect muffled sound to make your eyes droopy. Chris pulled up to your small apartment complex and sighed. You turned to him and held out a small slip of paper. He hummed, looking at you confused.

“My number. Text or call if you or your pack need anything, and I’ll be right there. I work flexible hours mostly so just let me know.”

The alpha took it gratefully and held the hand you used before you could retract it. Your breath hitched as his calloused hands were still soft against yours and held you with such care you thought your heart would burst. He looked into your eyes, sincerity deep within their dark chocolate irises.

“Thank you. You treated my pack kindly. I know I wasn’t there, but I trust they were nice to you as well?”

“Yes, thankyou, for treating me so well even though I was such a risk. Your pack is absolutely wonderful. I can tell you all love each other very much, and I’m so glad Felix has a home with you all. He deserves the world.” Your words were watery, but you were determined not to cry. You were so happy for Felix, and even if you never found a home with him or anywhere else, you would be happy if he was.

Chan gave your hand a squeeze, before kissing the back of it. His lips were gentle, but the kiss felt searing against your skin. After he receded, you bid your goodnight, as calmly as possible, thanking him once again. Chan watched you enter your house and sighed. As he switched gears, he could only process one thought out of all the ones racing through his head.



“So. A beta, huh?”

“Hm?” Felix turned to Changbin, confuddled by his words, having just watched you leave.

Changbin looked at the omega with a raised eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his face as his muscley arms crossed his chest. Jisung, a sh*t-eating grin on his face stood next to him, a similar look to Changbin’s in his eyes.

“Come on, Lix. It’s obvious.” The omegan rapper stated.

“What is?”

“You’ve obviously whipped for them!”

“Wh-what?!” The freckled boy flushed, not expecting his packmates to catch on so quick.

“Dude, you’re not slick,” Hyunjin said from the couch, a smirk of his own curled on his lips. “Anymore…” he muttered, snickering at his joke.

Felix whined, “Shut up.” He walked away as his mates’ snickers echoed behind him.

As he passed Minho, the elder only patted him on the shoulder, a smile on his pretty lips.

Felix entered his room, flopping on the bed, releasing a lovesick sigh as he caught sight of your duffel bag. A matching lovesick smile spread, as he reached for the bag, unzipping to look at its content.

His omega howled in excitement, and Felix had to physically restrain himself from doing the same out loud as he caught sight of what you put in. Felix’s hand dug out the clothes you had packed for him, and he immediately brought them to his nose. Your scent was so uniquely yours and he found himself already shoving the articles of clothing in the perfect spots in his nest.

Occupational Hazard | Stray Kids x Reader - Chapter 3 - MelancholicMariposa (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6047

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.