Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (2024)

Henrik Andersen

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Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og produktion af grøn teknologi er accelereret. For samtidig med at alle store lande er i fuld gang med den grønne omstilling, så er der også et ønske om at få del i den store samfundsværdi, som grøn energi skaber i form af bl.a. job, investeringer og eksport.Vindenergi er en dansk og europæisk styrkeposition, som vi skal udvikle. Danmark har mulighed for at bygge videre på vores styrker og tage del i det enorme vækstpotentiale for grøn energi. Derfor er jeg glad for at have været en del af Virksomhedsforum for globale risici, der leverer en række essentielle anbefalinger til regeringen.For grøn energiteknologi lyder anbefalingerne:◾ Bedre rammer for forskning og udvikling af grønne teknologier◾ Testfaciliteter i verdensklasse◾ Kortere sagsbehandlingstider for etablering af grøn energiproduktion◾ Bedre infrastruktur som forudsætning for eksport af grøn energiteknologi◾ Målrettede eksportindsatserTak for samarbejdet til hele forummet herunder bl.a. Niels Smedegaard, Tina Sejersgård Fanø og Carsten Egeriis. Jeg håber at erhvervsminister Morten Bødskov og resten af regeringen tager godt imod anbefalingerne og ikke mindst bruger dem som afsæt til handling nu. Virksomhederne i Danmark og Europa har ikke tid til at vente. Vestas er klar til at være en vigtig partner nu og i fremtiden - vi kan gøre mere sammen.Du kan læse alle anbefalingerne her:https://lnkd.in/dKUe74tc

  • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (2)


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Niels Smedegaard

Chair of the Board of ISS, Falck, Nordic Ferry Infrastructure, and Bikubenfonden


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Tak Henrik for super samarbejde og gode input - lad os fortsætte kampen for at få EU og DK op i gear.

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Vestas has some projects in North America. United States is in the possibility to develop some of them. Mexico, under process. Following up the news.

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Søren Riis

Investor, Shareholder and promoter of DecideAct (Self-employed)... and Brewer, Mons, Belgium


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Sunde anbefalinger, Henrik.Lad flere stemmer vække politikerne...Brug #folkemøde til at få mere grøn energi#politiker:, #offentlig #administration,

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Jacob K. Clasen

Vice-adm. direktør`| Deputy CEO


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Tak for gode og relevante anbefalinger. Fuld opbakning herfra.

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Thomas Benjamin Tackie

Vice President, Global Head of Service Quality at Vestas


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Stærke anbefalinger her. Vigtigt at der tages aktivt stilling og handling - for bedring af vores fælles fremtid!

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Mohan M

I am Global Procurement Manager at Caterpillar's Drivetrain segment. Supply Chain Management Professional with extensive manufacturing sourcing with end to end value chain, global supply optimization.


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Healthy sustainable recommendations, Need of an hour to the globe!

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  • Henrik Andersen

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    Rounding off this week on a happy note. Thank you, Jean-François Manzoni, outgoing CEO IMD for a great session. Special thanks to James Henderson for being a strong and continued IMD programme steward. Vestas leaders were joined by executives such as Wouter Van Wersch, EVP of Airbus who shared best practices and insights on strategy and leadership. We zoomed in on leadership execution and commercial strategy, and how that will power Vestas and the energy transition. I look forward to sharing and applying these learnings with the wider team!

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (13)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (14)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (15)


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    I was pleased to host Vestas’ Enterprise Leadership Team (ELT) meeting, gathering our senior leaders across regional and global functions. Our customer panel was one of the event highlights – stressing how partnerships are critical to the energy transition. Thank you, Bernerd Da Santos (The AES Corporation), David Swindin (Cubico Sustainable Investments), and Pål Eirtheim (Equinor) for joining us. It’s a privilege to have your direct input into our strategic direction.Last year, Vestas took its first, pivotal step to profitability - an outcome of the team's dedication and discipline.Going forward, we need increased momentum and continued discipline. This year’s ELT spotlighted this further. To navigate in our complex industry and in the current uncertain market environment, we need a sharpened focus on leadership and simplicity. Communication plays a key role in driving this forward and helps us differentiate between what’s essential and what’s interesting.It was great to see our ELT put this into action through exercises and workshops - thank you all for playing along. Despite the current challenges, our industry continues to hold great potential. To unlock it, we need to keep our focus and get back on track. Seeing the passion from team Vestas, and the engagement from our customers during the ELT reinforced this. Let's continue powering Vestas and the energy transition.

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (20)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (21)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (22)


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    Building stability in an uncertain world. That was my headline in a leadership dialogue at Equinor's Performance Forum today.It was a pleasure to join Anders Opedal and Trine Borum Bojsen in conversation, where we zoomed in on leadership. Today, when the say-do gap is clearly visible between ambitions and actions, it is our responsibility as leaders to confront it. We need organisations such as Equinor and Vestas to double down on delivering renewable energy at an unprecedented speed and scale. For this, we need industry maturity, a conducive external environment and we need to nurture leadership, strong partnerships and teamwork! The energy transition is the biggest human endeavour ever undertaken, and to succeed we must build strong collaboration both within and across our stakeholders. Thank you for the invitation and the good discussions, Anders, Trine, and the broader Equinor team. I look forward to our continued collaboration.

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (27)


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    Just wonderful to spend time with our Graduates - congratulations and now starts next stage 👍 - keep powering Vestas !All the best Henrik


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    Vestas has just released our financial report for the first quarter of 2024. I am encouraged to see improvements in our underlying business performance and Vestas maintaining our industry-leading position, despite an uncertain market environment. Both are an outcome of my 30,000+ colleagues’ hard work, focus and continued support from our partners and shareholders. Thank you for your efforts and dedication. While today’s results show positive indications for Vestas to get back on track, our business environment continues to be challenged. High volumes of potential projects continue to be stuck in permitting bottlenecks, with auction designs and a lack of industry maturity continuing to challenge project economics. In certain markets, however, we also welcome the needed decisions and changes like in recent quarters in Germany.After a challenging last year, where dedication and discipline brought Vestas back to profitability, the road ahead demands that we focus on commercial and executional discipline and building industry maturity. I look forward to driving this forward, together with the team and our stakeholders across the global energy landscape.

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (36)


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    I recently had the pleasure to sit down for a good conversation with Akshat Rathi from the Bloomberg Zero podcast. It was an interesting talk about the past, present, and future of the wind industry as well as the current state of the global energy transition.Since installing the first turbine 45 years ago on the back of the 1970s’ international energy crisis, Vestas has installed turbines across 85+ countries on six continents, taking wind energy from niche to mainstream and becoming the leader of the industry.Now, amid geopolitical turmoil and energy crises, plans for wind capacity are getting increasingly ambitious. But plans are not projects, we need to close the say-do gap if we are to reach net zero. Removing market obstacles for wind energy is the most direct way to achieve this.Listen to the full conversation: https://lnkd.in/dcBBEh3Z

    ‎Zero: The Climate Race: The slow and painful recovery of the wind industry on Apple Podcasts podcasts.apple.com


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    A plan for a wind farm is not a wind farm. While it's great to see growing ambitions for wind energy, we have to mind the say-do gap.This is critical for us to close if we are to reach net zero. For offshore wind, particularly, we continue to see a slow ramp-up globally due to cancelled PPAs and avoidable pressure on the wind energy supply chain. Strong industry partnerships that push for value-creating auctions and market designs are pivotal to addressing these issues. Governments, developers, OEMs, and actors across the value chain must work closely together to meet our shared objectives. It was a pleasure to emphasise this at the Vattenfall Leadership Forum, which included a panel discussion alongside Horatio Evers 何瑞修 from BASF.Thank you, Helene Biström for inviting me, Horatio for sharing your perspectives, and all the participants for a good discussion. I look forward to continuing our collaboration to build a more affordable, secure, and sustainable global energy system.

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (46)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (47)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (48)


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  • Henrik Andersen

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    The energy transition is an opportunity for American industry. Not a challenge. That was my key message at the Columbia #GlobalEnergySummit, hosted by the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia | SIPA.Ramping up renewables boosts energy security, lowers prices, and drives much-needed investment in infrastructure - creating jobs and positive local impact.To fully seize these opportunities, however, we need long-term policy stability, fortified grids, and strong industry partnerships. The Inflation Reduction Act is a strong foundation but translating it into real value requires further collaboration across the value chain.Additionally, our industry must focus on industrialisation and standardisation rather than engaging in a technology arm's race. With these measures, players like Vestas will be in a good position to plan for scale, and thereby accelerate decarbonisation - in the U.S. and beyond.Thank you, Jason Bordoff for inviting me, Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran for moderating the panel and to my fellow panelists, Scott Sheffield, Lorenzo Simonelli, and Mary Landrieu for sharing your insights!

    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (53)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (54)
    • Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (55)


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Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (59)

Henrik Andersen på LinkedIn: Grøn energi er nu geopolitik. Den globale konkurrence om udvikling og… (60)

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