#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2024)

vanteguccir · 6 days


about that snap thing i requested, it's totally fine you don't do it no worries! But can you maybe turn it into a fic with Nicks bsf x Chris? Love your writing!!!

hi lovely!!! thank you for requesting and for the compliment!! 🩷 it's posted!! 😚😚🩷🩷🩷🩷

#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo#nick sturniolo x bff reader#chris sturniolo x reader

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st7rnioioss · 2 months


౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ snaps from bff!nick and bf!chris PART 4!

chris sturniolo x reader (y/n)

warnings: none

you can find part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here!

hello everybody😝 you guys seem to love these, so here’s another part!! let me know if u want even more, it’s fun making them💓

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (1) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (3) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (4) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (5) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (6) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (7)

#matt sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo smut#nick sturniolo#chris sturniolo smut#nick sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo

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nicksbf · 1 month


I feel like there aren’t enough Nick stories out there, so I’m grouping here all the ones that I could find for anyone that wants them.

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (8)


Original character


Series (over 3 parts)

Scared To Love

Rich Stupid Highschool Kids

Ice Cold Secret

This House Is Not A Home

The Influencer

Nick x Jasper

Nick x Jake

Snaps / texts / headcanons

Snaps You’d Get As Nick’s Bf P1 P2

Boyfriend Hcs

Snaps You'd Get From bffs!matt & Chris As Nicks

Boyfriend P1 P2

sub!nick Headcanons

dom!nick Headcanons

bf!nick Sturniolo Headcanons

NSFW Headcanons P1 P2

Snaps You’d Get As Nick’s Bf

Snaps With bf!nick

Imagine Being In A Relationship With Nicolas Sturniolo P1 P2

Texts With bf!nick

Snaps As Nick’s Bf

Nick NSFW Abc’s

Nerdy Nick Headcanons

Oneshots / short series


Late Night Drive P1 P2

Keep Looking Baby

Nick Sturniolo x ftm!reader



Ride Me



My Boy

Carnival Date



Snow Angel


Get To It


Pink In The Night

Kiss Kiss

Mine All Mine

Care For You


Never Say Sorry

Tied Up

I Mean It

First For Everything

Wedding Day

Late Night Walk

Make You Mine

Tiktok Trends


One More

Chasers And The Game For My Heart

Painted Nails

Honorable mentions

@nickuniversity makes cool moodboards

Hickeys 🙏

Idk tbh

Rough Sex

You’re Dating Nick Sturniolo And This Is Your Gallery

Your Camera Roll As Nick’s Bf

Disclaimer: These are not mine, credits to all the authors!!

If you find any more that aren’t on here please tell me to add them<3

#nick sturniolo#the sturniolo triplets#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#nick sturniolo x male reader#nick sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo x you#nicolas antonio sturniolo#🌟 fics

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strniohoeee · 3 months


matt and reader bffs to lovers and they don't know about eachothers crushes

he asks her to go stargaze on the beach, she sits on his lap and he's all touchy and then they have a steamy makeout session where she has to stop him before things get too heated and then they finish in his car

Tell Him

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (9)

Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader

Synopsis: A beach trip at night takes a turn once feelings are expressed. But does it go how they want it to?🌙

Warnings⚠️: SMUTTTT, car sex. Nothing too crazy though. This was actually super fun to write! Hope yall enjoy🤞🏽

Song for the imagine: Tell Him- Ms. Lauryn Hill

⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️

Cause he’s all that I got

And tell him

Tell him I need him

Tell him I need him

And it’ll be alright

“Would you like to come to the beach with me?” Matt suddenly asks me as I’m sitting in nicks room

“Just me or both of us?” I asked him

“Just you” he said smiling at me

“Yeah sure sounds fun” I said

“Alright I’ll be waiting in the car for you” he said before walking out the room

I grabbed my stuff and looked over at Nick

“Why is he taking me to the beach?” I asked him

“Well usually he goes to the beach at night to have deep talks and get in tune with his emotions, so maybe he wants to talk to you. Since you always tell him about your own issues, and you guys bond over that” Nick replied to me

“Ohhh okay. Sounds nice I’ll see you later” I said hugging Nick

“Have fun” he said waving bye to me one last time

“Thanks” I said and walked out his room

I headed out the front door and got into Matt’s car. He put the directions in, and he started to drive off.

“So what’s the special occasion” I said giggling

“Nothing. I just go to the beach to think, and I felt like bringing you along so we can talk” he said

“Orrr you’re taking me there to murder me” I said

“Well if I wanted to murder you Nick and Chris know you’re with me, so I wouldn’t get away with it” he said sighing

“You weirdo” I said laughing

“You started it” he replied pointing his finger at me

We drove in silence as my phone was plugged into the aux “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” album playing as we chatted here and there.

“Oh I love this song” I said putting the volume

“Doo Wop” Matt said looking at the song

“Guys you know you better watch out, some girls some girls are only about that thing that thing” I said bopping my head to the music and singing along

“You play this album a lot” he said looking over at me

“Lauryn Hill is brilliant, and all her songs are amazing. This is my favorite album of hers” I said

“I know! I remember when you first got your apartment and I got you that record player this was the first vinyl you purchased” he replied

“Dang I forgot about that! You have good ass memory Matt” I said looking at him

“Well it was all you would talk about and all you played” he said laughing

“That’s very true” I said nodding my head

“I like it though, not my music taste, but her works amazing” he said

“I can respect that” I said

Another 30 minutes went by before we got to the beach. The longest hour of my life. My ass was hurting and my knees were cracking once I hopped out of the car.

“Such a long drive” I said cracking my back after shutting the car door

“Not that long of drive at least when you’re the driver” he said shutting his door

“I suppose that’s true” I said cracking my neck

“Let’s head out to the sand and watch the stars” Matt said clapping his hands together

“Matt there’s no one here” I said looking around

“Well yeah it’s 1AM” he said laughing

“Are you sure we can be here?” I said getting scared

“Yeah it’s 24 hours, it’s just 1AM on a Tuesday night. I don’t expect many people to be here” he said laughing

“Touché” I said looking at him

“Last one to the sand is a loser” I said smacking Matt and booking it

“HEY NOT FAIR YOURE A CHEATER” he yelled and began to run after me

I got the sand first and started running closer to the water when I fell over a rock in the ground. I face planted on the sand

“OH MY GOD” Matt said finally catching up to me

I rolled over holding my stomach and laughing.

“Holy sh*t” I said giggling trying to get up

“That’s what you get for being a cheater” Matt said

“I didn’t cheat” I said laughing

He held his hands out and helped me up as we continued laughing

After we calmed down we sat down in the sand watching the waves crash onto shore

“So tell me” I said

“Tell you what?” He asked

“Tell me why you come out here alone all the time” I said

“Well the waves help me think, I usually bring my notebook with me and write everytime I hear a wave hit the shore” he said

“Wow Matthew….that was deep” I said running my hand through the sand

“Sorry I don’t mean to get like dark or anything” he said throwing seashells in front of him

“No I don’t mind tell me more” I said glancing over at him

“Well I brought you today instead of my notebook, you get deep like me and I’ve genuinely been needing a talk with someone” he replied

“Well here I am” I said putting my hands up

“I just think a lot. About my future, where am I going to be, how I should go about certain things because I want a specific result….you know” he said looking over at me

“Well you know every cause has an effect, so I don’t think you should really try to focus on how you want to mold your future. Obviously you should give it thought, but we’re all humans and f*ck ups make us. If you’re trying super hard to be perfect you’re going to wear yourself out” I replied

“That’s true….I never thought of it that way” he said smiling while looking at the water

“Well that’s what I’m here for. A second opinion…something like that” I said

“Do you ever think of just running away, and being someone else” he blurted out

“I mean it has crossed my mind, but not really. Do you think this about yourself?” I asked him looking over at him

“Mmm I also have, but I love my life. I guess sometimes I just think how my life would be without this publicity. Would I be happier? Would I be sad? Would I be more anxious? Just stuff like that” he replied

“I think you’d be worse, and I know it sounds mean, but think about it. This fame has brought you out of your shell in so many aspects.” I told him

“Once again, very true. I don’t know I just get in my head and start thinking weird things” he said shaking his head

“It’s not weird. Every human has thought this way at one point or another” I said

Matt nodded his head and leaned back resting his head on his hands as he looked at the stars.

I leaned back too, and watched the stars with him.

“When I’m with you, I’m just exactly where I want to be, I could die right now and feel happy. You complete me” Matt said

“Thanks Matt. I think we were exactly what we needed in each others lives” I replied to him

“You’re the best thank you” he said bumping into me

“Always Matthew….always” I said looking up at the sky

We sat in silence for a while as we let the breeze dance against our skin, as the stars reflected off our eyes.

“If there’s one thing you could tell someone right now what would you tell them?” He asked randomly

I thought for a few seconds really letting this question linger in my head. Was he giving me a chance to open up about my feelings regarding him, or did he mean something else? I was a bit scared to say how I felt, but something kept telling me to just say what I wanted, so I did.

“Well I would tell him that he’s an amazing person and that he should believe in himself more. He shouldn’t get in his head too much because he doubts himself too much. He’s a great person inside and out, and not many people get him; but I do. He has a beautiful soul, personality and he’s a charming guy. I would also tell him that I really liked him, and I have liked him for a while; but I’m not too sure if he feels the same” I said in a whisper

It got silent for a few seconds, and my brain was clouded with doubts and anxiety. I might’ve just made the worst mistake of my life.

“I think he would tell you that he likes you too, and that he gets in his head so much because you make him want to be the best version of himself. You make him think harder, love harder and overall want to be a better person. But I’m not sure” Matt said, sprinkling that doubt on his statement in case it would backfire, but it wouldn’t.

I turned my head and looked at Matt giving him a once over.

“You should be sure….because she does like you back” I said sitting up and looking down at him

He looked at me, his chest rising up and down as his pupils dilated. I licked my lips too and leaned down connecting our lips.

Our kiss became heated immediately and I got onto Matt straddling him. My knees buried into the sand as his hands ran up my thighs and to my waist.

Our tongues fighting against one another as he grabbed the back of my head with his right hand. Deepening our kiss as our teeth clashed against one another.

I pulled away and looked down at him. His cheeks tinted with a blush, and his lips swollen.

“I think we should head to the car before this gets out of hand” I said in a whisper

“Yeah I agree” he said nodding his head

We both got up and walked to the car. I needed him….I need his touch, his warmth, his lips….his tongue I needed it all

Once we got to the car I quickly turned around causing Matt to look confused. I pulled him in by his shirt and smashed our lips together, my hands running through his wavy hair

“Matt I…..I need more of you” I said in a whisper

“Okay my love” he replied back in a whisper

I opened the back door and hopped in, Matt soon following after.

“Listen I like you a lot, and I don’t want you to think this is all I want because it’s not. I want to know all of you” he said looking at me

“I want to know all of you too” I said looking at him

Matt licked his lips and pulled me in to connect our lips again. He slid to the middle seat, and I sat on his lap as we continued to make out.

My hands ran through his hair as I grinded down on him.

He pulled away to let a moan fall from his lips as he licked his lips

I moved my kisses to his jawline and then his neck. Peppering wet sloppy kisses down his neck as he leaned his head back letting pants fall from his mouth. His grip on my thighs got harder as his bulge grew.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I reconnected our lips. My clothes c*nt dragging along Matt’s bulge.

“Oh Matt” I moaned out looking at him

“You’re killing me” he replied moving his hands to my ass and gripping

I slid my shirt off and took my bra off. Matt’s eyes gazed down to my chest and he bit his bottom lip.

I grabbed his hands and placed them on my breast moaning at the feeling.

“You can touch me Matt I promise” I said smiling at him

He nodded his head and began to leave kisses from my neck down to the top of my breasts. Slowing inching over to my left breast and taking my nipple into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around as he looked up at me

My mouth fell open as I let a moan out

“Holy sh*t Matt” I moaned out grinding down harder on him

He slowly slid over my right nipple and swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud. My c*nt was basically screaming for him, and it was getting harder to ignore it.

Math pulled away and pulled his shirt off. My eyes trailing to his tattooed arm looking it up and down….his tattoos were so attractive and this made my mouth run dry some more.

My nails raking up his arm, my eyes watching his own face. I raked my nails over to his chest and down his stomach stopping right at his waistband. Goosebumps littering his skin

“Are you ready Matt?” I asked him

“Yes” he moaned out breathlessly

I lifted off of Matt and slid my pants down along with my underwear. As I did this he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and boxers down allowing his co*ck to spring forward

“Oh Matt” I said biting my lip and looking down

“Don’t say that” he said laughing and rubbing his eyes

“Who would’ve known you were hung” I said

“Stoppp” he said getting embarrassed

“Don’t get shy on me now” I said rubbing his face

I hovered over Matt’s dick, and he helped me sink down onto him. Our mouths falling open as we let our shaky sighs.

I completely sank down, his dick stretching me out in the perfect way. My hands gripping his shoulders as my head fell forward

“f*ck Matt” I moaned out

“You gotta move or I’ll cum from this” he moaned out

I nodded my head and began to bounce up and down on Matt’s dick. His hands on my ass as he helped me bounce up and down

All that could be heard is our moans and skin slapping as his dick hit all the right places.

Matt leaned his head down and took my nipple into his mouth sucking harshly

“OH MY GOD” I moaned out as my eyes screwed shut

I continued to bounce on his dick. Matt’s head falling back slightly as he let out moans

“Just like that baby” he moaned out licking his lips

His pupils dilated, his cheeks red and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

I switched my bouncing to grinding as I was now chasing my high. Matt caught on and gripped my ass helping me grind against him

His pelvic bone kissing my cl*t causing me to shudder

“f*ck Matt I’m so f*cking close” I moaned out, my nails digging into his shoulders

“Me too baby, me too” he grunted out

I leaned against him, our chests touched as my grinding became sloppy. I was getting tired, and my knees started to burn

“I got you baby” he said

Matt wrapped his left arm around me as he slid down a bit and started to f*ck up into me

“OHHHH MATT MATT MATT” I began to moan out my toes curled as his hips snapped into me

My jaw fell slack and I caught myself drooling. My thighs began to shake as I felt my org*sm approaching. Matt was looking at me with his bottom lip in between his teeth

“You got this pretty, come on cum for me” he cooed

“I’m cumming oh my god im cumming” I moaned out as I clenched down on Matt’s dick

My nails dug into his shoulders as I began to shake, my thighs shaking and my jaw falling open as his name fell from my mouth repeatedly

“MATT MATT MATT” I moaned out as my chest heaved up and down against his chest

“I got you baby I got you” he said as he helped me ride out my high

He slowly lifted me off of him as I sat on his thighs. He began stroking his dick chasing his own high

He was staring at me with half lidded eyes and suddenly his face contorted and his mouth fell open

“f*ckkkk” he moaned out as his thighs began to shake and he began to shake a bit

He painted his lower abdomen with his cum. Watching him come undone because of me made my head spin, and it made me fall in love with him more.

I slid off of his lap and leaned over to the glove box grabbing him napkins so he could clean himself up.

After we got dressed again we sat in the back for a moment really taking in what happened.

“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met” he said caressing my cheek

“You’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever met” I said smiling at him

“I mean it when I say I want to know all about you. Your favorite color, your favorite makeup brand, your favorite childhood memory. I want it all” he said leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips

“I’ll tell you it all, only if you do the same for me” I said smiling at him

“I’m an open book I’ll tell you everything” he replied to me

“Good” I said kissing his hand

“Want to head back?” He asked me

“Yeah it’s pretty late” I said to him

We got back in the front and decided to head back to the house. One hour drive back home and we spent it the whole way listening to music and laughing about everything. Matt was really my other half and all I had to do was

Tell Him….

The End

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I have one more request, and then I’ll start my Matt sad imagine🤭. Love yallllll🥹🖤🖤


#sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplet smut#matt sturniolo x reader smut#matthew sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo x reader smut#matt sturniolo smut#smut

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mxqdii · 4 months


Heyy! I love your writing, hope you're okay! Would you please do chris sturniolo x actress gf headcanons?

headcannons - c.s x actress gf

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (10)

pairings: reader x chris sturniolo

summary: headcannons

warning(s): none!

not proofread

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (11)

helps u learn/practice lines but u prolly always get sidetracked bc chris would read them in funny voices making u mess up 😭

watches every movie/show you're in

begs for spoilers for stuff (most times you give in)

if u can bring a plus 1 to award shows, you bring him.

one time he was busy so you brought nick instead and when he found out he was so upset

when you win awards he jumps up clapping and its so embarrassingly sweet

if you let him come on set, he becomes bffs with all your co-stars and they start being like "wheres chris?" whenever you come without him 😭

like i said in singer hc's, this guy LOVES watching edits of you

he will comment on a million edits, repost them to his story, favorite all of them, etc.

watches interviews of you talking about the movies and show you're in even though he was behind the camera when you were filming the interview

u guys walk down the red carpet together holding hands xx

i kinda feel like if chris saw the paparazzi he would be doing like silly poses (HELPP)

hes so silly, anyways! he for sure texts matt like "DID YOU HEAR SHE WON-" and just ramble about u

matt def tells him to shut up abt you

a/n: its hard to write exact same thing js for another triplet so idk what else to put but just read the matt one bc that ones better 😇


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stargirlsturniololover · 4 months


#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (12)

star’s masterlist ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆

fluff (☆), angst (★), star’s favs (✰)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (13)


rafe cameron -

rafe’s babydoll (☆/✰KINDA ATEE)

fairy dust (☆/✰✰✰✰)

sunny (☆/✰)

jj maybank -

to be so lonely (★,☆)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (14)


farleigh start -

drama queen (★/☆)

linger (☆/✰)

couples costume (☆/✰)

nighttime routine (☆/✰)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (15)

𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓈

spencer reid -

spiced apple kisses (☆)

spencer reid x feminine girlfriend headcanons (☆/✰)

knee socks (☆/✰)

in november? (☆)

christmastime with husband!spencer headcanons (☆)

ladybird (☆)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (16)

𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾ℴ𝓁ℴ 𝓉𝓇𝒾𝓅𝓁ℯ𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒸ℴ𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓎

matt sturniolo -

twistor (☆)

do they know it’s christmas (☆/✰)

matt sturniolo x outgoing reader headcanons (☆)

all matt (☆/✰)

perfect item (☆/✰)

just wanted you (ALL TIME FAV☆/✰✰✰)

just hold me (part two to just wanted you)

cheermeister (☆)

stress. (☆)

nathan doe -

skating and starbucks (☆/✰)

cynical one (☆/✰)

chris sturniolo -

just in case (☆)

makeup and friday photo dumps (☆/✰)

starbaby (☆/✰)

our beautiful boys (☆/✰)

bff!nick sturniolo/platonic!sturniolos -

still can’t sleep on christmas eve (☆/✰)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (17)

𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒷ℯ𝒶𝓇

carmy berzatto -

rush hour (slight ★)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (18)

𝒿𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒾ℴ𝓃

best. birthday. ever. (☆)

ethan landry -

snow bunny (☆/✰)

winter dreams (prequel to snow bunny, ☆/✰)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (19)


jake webber -

valentine (☆)


johnnie guilbert -

‘cause i love you

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (20)


jasper hale -

jealous (☆/★)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (21)

also see: star’s tweet’s masterlist

#masterlist#star’s masterlist

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freshloveforthefit · 25 days



~ Sturniolo Triplets ~

Cheer you up

Valentines day hcs for each triplet

Let's trip (camera roll)

~ Matt Sturniolo ~

Matt x reader gf hcs

Your camera roll if you were dating Matt

Date night with Matt camera roll

~ Nick Sturniolo ~

Nick x actor/actress bff hcs

Your camera roll if you were dating Nick

Date night with Nick camera roll

~ Chris Sturniolo ~


Your camera roll if you were dating Chris

Date night with Chris camera roll

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vanteguccir · 15 days


I'm really feeling like writing a little fluff of nick x bff reader 🥺 I just know that nick is the best friend in the whole world 😭😭

#x reader#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo triplets#nick sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo x bff reader

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st7rnioioss · 1 month


౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ snaps from bff!nick (and chris) but chris likes you PART 5!

chris sturniolo x reader

warnings: none

here you can find part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4

hello☺️ i don’t know what to say other LMAO. y’all seem to like these so i’ll feed u. it’s been too long🤕

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (22) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (23) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (24) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (25) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (26) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (27) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (28) #chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (29)

#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo smut#christopher sturniolo#matt sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#matt sturniolo smut#nick sturniolo fanfic

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stargirlsturniololover · 3 months


still can’t sleep on christmas eve

request: yes from a nonnie pookie (i hope i did it justice, this is my first time writing for nick)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (30)

warnings: um one sexual joke (hehe), a short joke BAHAHAHA (sorry to you readers who are taller than the triplets, which isn’t hard, but anyway i’m 5’2 so i’m shorter than them ANYWAY SORRY MY B)

summary: christmas with best friend nick.

also: another cm reference😏

also also : incase you were wondering who was what in the halloween costume part… nick was lavagirl (he begged to be her) so you got stuck with sharky, nick was hotch and you were reid (they’re both your crushes in the show) and nick was obi-wan and you were ani (you begged to be anakin and nick gave in cause he got to be LG)

also to the third power : i’m sorry this is so long and bad😐🦧

song : i took the song title from this song

fic checks:

reader and nick (they match and they tried to get matt and chris but they refused to wear hello kitty pjs) : https://pin.it/4QwyXN5

matt: https://pin.it/1X60PYK

chris : https://pin.it/2LMSvEK

bff!nick sturniolo x reader (almost leaning towards platonic sturniolos x reader)

#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (31)

christmastime with nick is… eventful so to say the least.

when you moved in with him and his two younger brothers, you forgot that since you lived with them now, you’d also be doing holidays with them.

halloween was fine, matching costumes between you and nick were always happening.

sharkboy and lava girl…?

two years ago.

anakin and obi wan…?

last year.

spencer reid and aaron hotchner…?

of course. that was this year’s aka the first year you lived together, and since you two started watching criminal minds when you moved in together, it was a rite of passage to be your two favorite bau team members.

so, all in all, halloween was smooth sailing.

thanksgiving… was… rocky….

you and him bickered all of thanksgiving day about cooking temperatures for the dressing, which team would win the football game, and who the best singer was in the macy’s parade.

but at the end of the day, you were best friends, and nothing could come between you two.

so when christmas rolled around much quicker than anticipated, you were determined to make it the best holiday yet.

• • • •

“NICK!!” you yell, coming in the front door on christmas eve, needing his assistance with the bags upon bags of groceries you bought for the dinner necessities.

“COMINGGG!” he yells, running up the stairs and into the kitchen.

“hi” he says, looking at your arms full of bags, knowing immediately he was needed in the garage.

you chuckle at nick, and go to put away groceries, as nick comes in from the garage with the last of the bags.

“thanks kid,” you hum, grabbing the gallon of milk and popping it in the fridge.

“no prob,” he screams, louder than he needed to, due to the chunky headphones atop his head.

“KID TAKE THOSE DANG HEADPHONES OFF YOU’RE GONNA GO DEAF.” you yell, taking one side off his right ear.

“oh, sorry.” he says, taking off his headphones and placing them on the counter.

“so what’s on the agenda, pal o’ mine?” nick asks, sitting on a stool across from you.

“well we gotta make the cookies for santa,” you say wiggling your eyebrows and chuckling, “seeing as it is 10 pm on christmas eve and we have yet to do that.”

“then i think i may need to wrap one more gift, some hoodie chris wanted that just came in today.” you role your eyes, knowing that of course chris would pick a gift that would come in a day before christmas.

“then can we watch the grinch..?” nick asks, excitement evident in his voice.

“umm yeah i guess so….?” you agree, raising an eyebrow.

“kid, is this cause you said the grinch was the number one christmas smash?!” you yell, very much concerned for your best friend.

“shhhhh, what you don’t know won’t hurt you young grasshopper.” he says, standing up to go grab the baking stuff from the cabinet.

• • • •

after the two of you wrapped up your baking, you headed into the living room so you could wrap up chris’ hoodie.

while you wrapped the hoodie, nick plopped on the couch and started the grinch.

you glanced over at him practically drooling over the grinch.

“my god, you’re so pathetic nick.” you say, letting out the loudest guffaw as you rolled around laughing.

“hey shut your trap bro, the grinch is talking.” he says, turning his full attention back to the tv as you attempt to collect yourself from your laughing fit.

around that time, matt and chris make their way into the living room.

both of them holding a cookie you and nick just spent hours (it was 45 minutes) on.

“YO CHRIS GET OUT.” you yell, throwing your body on top of his gift.

“AND DON’T EAT SANTA’S FREAKIN’ COOKIES YOU BUMS.” nick yells, getting angry that his brothers had the audacity to eat mr. claus’ cookies.

“geez, sorry kid.” he says, turning around and walking right back to his room.

“um what was that? i am clear to enter this room, right?” matt says, popping open a can of sparkling water, and sitting on the floor beside you.

“that was me hiding chris’ present, and yes, you may stay.” you huff, putting the bow on chris’ gift and placing it under the tree.

“phew, done with the presents.” you say, hopping up on the couch by nick.

“CHRIS YOU CAN COME BACK IN NOW.” you yell, beckoning chris back in so you could watch y’all’s final christmas movie before the day arrives.

“nick, what time is it.” you ask, reaching over to grab a blanket from behind his head.

“time for you to get a watch.” chris says, throwing himself onto the couch.

“ok chris, bro, that joke is so old, please stop. also, it’s 11:30, y/n” nick mumbles, giving you a small smile and then returning his gaze to the tv.

“WE GOTTA GET TO BED SOON GUYS, SANTA’S GONNA COME IN A LITTLE WHILE.” matt says, in that silly little boy accent he does.

you role your eyes at matt, and throw the blanket off your body.

“kid is right guys, doesn’t santa come at midnight?” you ask, walking into the living room to get a plate with cookies and a glass of milk.

“sure” nick says, giving chris and matt a glare as they laugh at the word “come.”

you waltz back into the living room, and place the milk and cookies on the coffee table.

“done, now everyone go to bed and tomorrow morning we’ll wake up and open presents.” you squeal, already bounding your way to your room.

• • • •

after you get in bed, you hear the bathroom door connecting you and nick’s rooms creak open.

“nick, it’s 1 am, what do you want?” you murmur groggily, turning over to face the door.

“sorry, i’m just so ready for gifts.” nick says, gently sitting on the edge of your bed.

“want me to punch you so you go to sleep faster, thus making the morning come quicker?” you ask, “you know that i can’t function without sleep nick, at our sleepovers i’d literally go to bed at 8:30.”

“HA, i know y/n, i used to draw on your face with sharpie.” nick chuckles, as you both whip your heads to the creaking of the bathroom door on nick’s side.

“did chris sleep in your room again? i told him he could sleep in my room if he needed to, he’s already slept in your room twice this week.” you sigh, knowing that chris loves to make his rotations between you, matt, and nick’s rooms.

nick groans, “matt AND chris are both in my room.”

“bro what” you sigh, knowing that matt would only sometimes sleep in you and or nick’s rooms.

“yeah i know, but if i don’t go back to my room soon, they’ll both realize i’m gone and come looking for me. i literally had to push chris off of me to come in here.” he chuckles, sighing yet again as he hears not one, but two sets of feet making their way into y/n’s room.

“hi guys.” you say, opening up the covers as matt and chris scurry into your room.

chris jumps into your bed and curls himself into a little ball, shivering at how you kept your room colder than the rest of the house.

“i know why i’m awake,” nick says, as matt throws himself on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, “but why are you two up.”

“i had to piss.” chris says from his dedicated side of your bed.

“and i woke up to nobody so i got scared, then i heard chris peeing, nick and y/n talking, so i wanted to join the fun.” matt says from his respective spot on the floor.

“cuddle party?” chris suggests.

“no chris, i’m going to go into the living room and open my gifts.” nick says, standing up and walking towards the door, being immediately stopped by matt’s hand around his ankle.

“no you are not, presents are to be opened at 7 am, that’s in 6 hours.” matt mumbles, dragging nick onto the floor.

“you two are not sleeping on my floor,” you say, much harsher than normal due to your tiredness.

“woah chill y/n.” chris says, hopping out of your bed, “i’m sleeping in nick’s room. it’s freezing in here.”

“yeah, same.” matt concurs, getting up from the floor.

“night.” they both say at the same time, walking back to nick’s room.

“nick?” you ask from your place on the bed.

“what?” he asks, standing up and scratching his head.

“wanna have a sleepover like old times?” you question.

“course.” he hums, hopping into bed and burrowing under your many covers.

“night.” you murmur, turning over to face the wall.

“night,” he says back, letting out a big yawn.

“oh and nick, if i wake up with a sharpie mustache, i’m going to the north pole and putting you on the naughty list for next christmas.”

“is it cause you’re so short you pass as an elf?” he wheezes, “no but for real, i won’t draw on you,” he promises.

you let out a fake laugh at nick’s jab at your height and close your eyes waiting for sleep.

• • • •

at 6:59 am, matt and chris are both hovering over you and nick’s sleeping forms.

“wakey wakey.” matt says, poking your shoulder as soon as the clock hit 7 on the dot

“GET UP” chris yells, jumping up and down on your bed.

“christopher. owen. sturniolo.” you say, sitting straight up, “i will burn your gifts if you don’t quit.” you huff, pushing him off his feet as he plummets to the floor.

“TO THE LIVING ROOOMMMM” nick yells, SPRINTING out of the bed and running to go see his gifts.

chris and matt follow nick soon after, letting out whoops and hollers like little boys.

“bro…” you audibly say, being the last one out of your room.

• • • •

after opening all your gifts, you and nick go to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

you let out an audible sigh as you sit down next to nick at the island.

“we successfully made it through our first christmas in the same house nick.” you say, bumping shoulders with him.

he sips his hot chocolate, “yeah i’m glad it’s over though.”

“same, we got some pretty good clothes though….” you smirk

“you know what that calls for,” he says, returning the smirk.

“PHOTO SHOOTT” you yell in tandem, knowing that neither of you could pass up a photo shoot, especially one together.

#nick sturniolo#bff!nick sturniolo#platonic#platonic!sturniolo#platonic!reader#the sturniolo triplets#the sturniolos#matt sturniolo#chris sturniolo#christmas#Spotify

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#chris sturniolo x bff reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.