Billie Holiday/Complete Billie Holliday / Lester Young 1937-1946 (2024)

  • Billie Holiday/Complete Billie Holliday / Lester Young 1937-1946 (2)



Complete Billie Holliday / Lester Young 1937-1946

Billie HolidayLester Young





在庫状況 について




















Billie Holiday

Lester Young


構成数 | 1枚

合計収録時間 | 03:05:50

Personnel: Billie Holiday (vocals); Lester Young (clarinet, tenor saxophone); John Collins (guitar, electric guitar); Freddie Green, Allan Reuss (guitar); Tiny Grimes (electric guitar); Edmond Hall, Benny Goodman, Buster Bailey (clarinet); Charlie Barnet (soprano saxophone); Jack Washington (alto saxophone, baritone saxophone); Earle Warren, Eddie Barefield, Edgar Sampson, Georgie Auld, Joe Eldridge, Bill Bowen, Johnny Hodges, Leslie Johnakins (alto saxophone); Coleman Hawkins, Herschel Evans, Illinois Jacquet, Kermit Scott (tenor saxophone); Ed Lewis, Harry "Sweets" Edison , Harry James, Hot Lips Page, Joe Guy, Roy Eldridge, Shad Collins, Buck Clayton (trumpet); Benny Morton (trombone); Claude Thornhill, Count Basie, Ken Kersey, Joe Sullivan (piano); Cozy Cole, J.C. Heard , Jo Jones , Kenny Clarke (drums).Liner Note Author: Alain Gerber.Recording information: Carnegie Hall, NY (01/25/1937-06/03/1946); Meadowbrook Lounge, Cedar Grove, NJ (01/25/1937-06/03/1946); New York, NY (01/25/1937-06/03/1946).Arrangers: Eddie Heywood; Buck Clayton.Billie Holiday often stated that she styled her vocal phrasing to echo the sound of a jazz horn, so it should be no surprise that she found the perfect duet partner in tenor sax player Lester Young. Lady Day and Pres (they bestowed the nicknames on each other) recorded some 60 sides together between 1937 and 1946, many if not all of which have to be considered classics. This three-disc set collects everything the pair did, including alternate takes, and the best tracks are truly revelatory. Given the obvious musical connection on display in these sides, it is telling that both Holiday and Young died only four months apart in 1959. Apparently the world just couldn't handle one without the other. ~ Steve Leggett

録音 | ステレオ (---)

    • 1.


      • 1.

        He Ain't Got Rhythm


        Billie Holiday

      • 2.

        This Year's Kisses

      • 3.

        Why Was I Born?

      • 4.

        I Must Have That Man

      • 5.

        Sun Showers

      • 6.

        Yours and Mine

      • 7.

        Mean to Me

      • 8.

        Mean to Me

      • 9.

        Foolin' Myself

      • 10.

        Easy Living

      • 11.

        I'll Never Be the Same

      • 12.

        Me, Myself and I

      • 13.

        Me, Myself and I

      • 14.

        Sailboat in the Moonlight, A

      • 15.

        Born to Love

      • 16.

        Without Your Love

      • 17.

        Without Your Love

      • 18.

        Getting Some Fun Out of Life

      • 19.

        Who Wants Love?

      • 20.

        Trav'lin' All Alone

      • 21.

        He's Funny That Way

      • 22.

        I Can't Get Started



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¥ 6,259



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Billie Holiday/Complete Billie Holliday / Lester Young 1937-1946 (3)


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Billie Holiday/Complete Billie Holliday / Lester Young 1937-1946 (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.